
Life without a car

Watching my parents drive away with my car today brought a few tears to my eyes. Sure, it was great to see them if just overnight, but the thought of losing my wheels made me feel like I'd lost of level of independence. So now I'm dependent on the kindness of my friends for the next 2 days (including a ride to the airport on Monday). One of my major motivations for moving to NYC was the opportunity to make use of public transportation. But all of a sudden, over the past couple of days I started to enjoy driving a car for the first time in my life. Maybe it was just the realization that it gave me the power to chart my own direction whenever I felt like it. Now I'll just have to learn to work within the limitations of the subway and bus system.

Life without TiVo

Life without TiVo is unbearable. I watched 4 hours of TLC last night (While You Were Out and What Not To Wear) because I didn't have a remote control to change the channel on the old TV I dragged out of a storage closet. Because I missed the UPS pickup time on Thursday, most of my boxes (including my TiVo) won't ship out until Monday (damn July 4th), meaning they won't arrive in NY until probably the following Monday. But I'm not moving to New York to watch TV, right? -- although it looks like my cable system has a pretty bitchin' channel lineup.


Portraits for online personals. Since I've never been pleased with any photo of me, I may have to look into this (because my personality is not going to win me any dates).


The Brown let me down Part 2

Just as I was getting ready to take a second load of 8 boxes to Walmart to ship, the UPS drop-off place called me to let me know my TV was too big to ship (why they couldn't tell me that when I dropped it off, I don't know). So now I'm selling it on the cheap to a friend and I'll have to keep my eyes open for a new TV when I get to New York. My parents are coming up today (and will be arriving much sooner than I planned) to get the rest of my stuff to put into storage and to also take my car (meaning I won't have wheels for the next 2 days). I'm not having second thoughts about accepting this job in NY, but I'm hoping I damn well like it because there's no way I'm moving again anytime soon.


The Brown let me down

Yesterday I took the first load of my boxes (TV, PC, server, monitor) to UPS to ship them to New York (so I wouldn't overload their mailroom receiving them all at once). After checking the UPS website for the location, I discovered my local office is only open from 5-5:30pm M-F. I borrowed a friend's truck, went there right at 5pm, and got in line behind the two people already there. Already hot and dehydrated from packing, I had to stand outside of the minuscule receiving area dripping sweat in the last of the afternoon sun. The crotchety old man at the front of the line was trying to return something he'd ordered through the mail and didn't seem to understand the UPS guy's explanation that he should have contacted the company and had them send him a return shipping label. The man argued with the UPS guy for approximately 23 minutes as a line of customers formed behind me. Finally he left and then the other guy in front of me took like only 30 seconds to ship his one box. When he threw down a $20, I noticed for the first time that there was no credit card machine next to the cash register. I asked and discovered they only took cash or check (neither of which I had brought). With only 5 minutes for the office to remain open, I had to load all my boxes back into my friend's truck. If it hadn't been for the crotchety old man, I could have driven home real quick and gotten my checkbook. The UPS guy suggested I try the HyVee or Walmart to see if I could ship the boxes from their UPS pickup locations. I hit HyVee first and discovered they only had a tiny scale, which wouldn't accommodate any of my boxes. Ready to burst out into tears, I tried Walmart and found that their scale could hold up to 75 pounds. Fortunately, my TV (the heaviest of the boxes) topped out at 72 pounds. Fortunately, it doesn't seem like it's significantly more expensive to ship from the Walmart (and it's open all day), so I'll most likely take rest of my boxes there today and tomorrow.


Magazine subscriptions

Changing all my magazine subscriptions today really reinforces the reality of my moving to New York. There's so much to do beyond simply packing. Packing has commenced, but there's a long road ahead. And, I'm realizing what I'll probably want to buy at Walmart and ship up before leaving (new shower curtain, lightweight plastic plates, Glade plug-in refills, etc).

How to get a replacement Social Security Card

Somehow I've managed to misplace mine while packing. And I'm probably going to need one to get set up for my new job, get a NY driver's license, etc...



I'm trying to figure out what I should take to NY when I fly out next Monday (and what I should put into storage at my parents). I figure I'll pack my clothes, my computer, my TiVo, and my CDs. But otherwise, I don't know what is easily (and cheaply) bought in NY vs. what I should try to ship out there. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Temporary blog location

So, while I'm packing and moving everything (including my server), my blog will be temporarily located at http://mattkingston.blogspot.com (hitormiss.org should redirect here soon) -- because some lame-o who only posted once 2 years ago claimed http://hitormiss.blogspot.com. When I set my server up again (if I can use my ethernet connection to host my site), I'll transfer all these posts into my own CMS.

Moving to NYC

picture of 84 William StreetI officially accepted a job today at New School University in Manhattan. I'll be the director of a 17 floor apartment building at 84 William Street (down in the Financial District).