

Matt Haughey has created a great new TiVo / PVR weblog. Some of the recent choice links include a review of TiVo's closed-captioning handling for deaf people (I watch every show with CC on so I can fast-forward past the slow parts and read the dialog) and a report on how gay people are twice as likely to own TiVos (it seems like every gay blogger I read has one, which is soon to include Mike).



Using Yahoo Maps to try to find the locations of different businesses in NY (in relation to my apartment), I've realized that a killer web application would be a mapping service that would plan out your trip including which subway terminals and lines to use.


Out to lunch

So far, I've only been to a couple of restaurants (to break the monotony of peanut butter sandwiches and ramen). Burritoville: All natural ingredients, made fresh everyday (or so they say). Actually quite tasty, customizable, and pretty cheap. Daikichi Sushi: Relatively inexpensive and only 2 or 3 blocks away. I think it'll make a great lunch stop. Lemongrass Grill: I think this is the one I went to with Mike on Saturday. It's actually a chain around the city (including right next door to my residence hall). I haven't had a lot of Thai before, but I'm eager to sample more. Sadly, the "restaurant" I've frequented the most since moving here a week ago is Burger King. There's one up from the Sushi place on Broadway where you can get a Whopper Jr. meal for only $3.25 with tax (the cheapest meal I've been able to find in NYC). On the list of places to hit in the near future: Pret a Manger, Rice, and Peanut Butter & Co.


Weekend in NY

My first weekend in NY is drawing to a close. After going to see Avenue Q on Friday night with Mike, the two of us schlepped out to Queens yesterday to visit Dan and his partner Stephen for a leisurely afternoon tea and wonderfully engaging conversation. Then Mike and I watched A Letter to Three Wives. And today I continued unpacking and cleaning. All in all, a great end to my first week in NY.